Help: d.mon x0 fails with "connection refused"

Luca Palmeri lpalmeri at
Wed Jun 7 09:34:04 EDT 2000

Gregory Walker wrote:

>     GRASS:~ > d.mon x0
>     Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
>     Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect to Server
>     Graph_Set: can't open :0

This probably happens because you use grass as a different user from the
user you are logged in with the xserver. The quick solution in a shell
$ xhost +
disables the access control to the xserver.


Università di Padova - Dip. Processi Chimici dell'Ingegneria
  ________________     Laboratorio Analisi Sistemi Ambientali
  +39.049.827.5528     Via Marzolo, 9 PADOVA (35139), ITALIA

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