HTMLMAP driver + other shell scripts

Tom Poindexter tpoindex at
Tue Mar 14 22:04:46 EST 2000

I've written an HTMLMAP driver plus a few small shell scripts that might be
useful for others.

The HTLMAP driver creates HTML image maps from area vectors (d.area).  This
lets your create images with clickable areas to other URL's.  Use it in
step with the CELL driver or paint output to create images.

I've compiled the driver under GRASS 4.3.  It might work with 5.0bx, but
I haven't tried yet.

Feedback welcome.  If it works for you as well, let me know and I'll submit 
it to Marcus for inclusion into the GRASS distribution.

The shell scripts include (creates coarse-grained area vectors
around site data), (easy import of DMA-formatted DEM files into
a lat-lon region), some region 'stack' manipulations,

Code is at

HTMLMAP sample at

	(be sure to take a look at the html source.  Netscape or IE w/
	Javascript enabled required for the demo.)

and of course, it's all under GPL.

Tom Poindexter
tpoindex at

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