
Bruce_Byars at baylor.edu Bruce_Byars at baylor.edu
Fri Mar 24 10:40:41 EST 2000


Rich is right, there is no "best" distribution of GRASS.  We maintain
both floating point (5.0) and non-floating point (4.x).   There are
many water resources and environmental models that are linked to
GRASS.  (see http://www.baylor.edu/~cagsr/swat for example)
and we do not as a rule maintain any of that type of code within the
general release.  HOwever, most of these types of packages are
readily available.

The reason for maintaining both fp and non-fp versions is that many
users have data and scripts that they have not moved to be fp version
compatable.  We will continue to maintain two versions indefinately
for this reason.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.


Bruce Byars
GRASS Dev. Team
CAGSR - Baylor Univ.

Stefano Burchielli wrote:

> Hallo, my name is Stefano
> i have 2 simple questions:
> 1)    I'd like to know which is the best distribution for use with GRASS.
> 2)    I've found some pages about integrations between GRASS and modeling
> programs (water quality and quantity, groundwater modeling), but i couldn't
> find any reference to available code (not only free byt also to be paied):
> is it available?
> Thanks a lot
> SB

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