G3D modules and s.vol.idw

Markus Neteler neteler at geog.uni-hannover.de
Sat May 20 15:22:28 EDT 2000

Hi Bernhard,

On Fri, May 19, 2000 at 10:37:16PM +0200, Bernhard Sturm wrote:
> Hello to everybody
> I just compiled GRASS5b7 as I was very keen on the newly now implemented G3D
> modules. I tried s.vol.idw (as s.vol.rst is not yet implemented in the
> official release) in order to run an interpolation on a 3 dimensional site
> file (x|y|z|%w). 
Note: s.vol.rst is not released yet by its authors.

> However I ran into some troubles:
> I couldn't import (s.in.ascii) my sites. Although my ascii file with the
> site information looks like the new specified site format
> (http://www.geog.uni-hannover.de/grass/gdp/html_grass5/programming/sites-api
> /index.html), but GRASS couldn't read the file properly (warnings were
> printed) and only the first line of the file was read. Do I need header
> information in the ascii file, or does s.in.ascii not properly import ascii
> site files?
Which warning did you get? s.in.ascii should accept ASCII files with a
structure as follows:

x1 y1 z1 attribute1
x2 y2 z2 attribute2
x3 y3 z3 attribute3

> And for the G3D part: will s.vol.idw produce a raster file that can be read
> by the standard 2d GRASS modules? (such as d.rast)
r3.to.rast was planned but never written (any volunteers?). 

Hopefully forthcoming is r3.to.sites (under development), then you 
could use s.to.rast. Note: s.to.rast should be updated with an
option which attribute to select (could be taken from s.surf.rst,
searching for volunteers as well...)

To display in 3D use r3.mkdspf to create isosurfaces and then r3.showdspf
to display these isosurfaces in 3D. 

Jaro Hofierka wrote s.to.rast3 last week, find it in CVS (and forthcoming
GRASS 5 release). Use this to convert your 3D sites into grid3D. You
can grab the code from CVS web interface.

Best wishes


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