[GRASSLIST:1096] Mac OS X build

Jeshua Lacock jeshua at SierraMaps.com
Wed Nov 8 17:37:56 EST 2000

Hello all,

First, I would like to state that I have never used Grass before, 
however I am going to attempt to compile the Grass 5 beta 8 in the 
MacOS X environment.  MacOS X is based on BSD so I assume that I 
should be able to build binaries.

Are there any gotchas, tips, needed libraries or suggestions anyone 
might be able to offer before I embark on this adventure??  Or better 
yet, has anyone attempted to compile binaries for MacOS X yet???

By the way, I plan on using Grass ( hopefully ) to re-project USGS 
DRG's from a custom Albers projection to a standard UTM projection 
and update the .tfw world file with the correct UTM coordinates.

I greatly appreciate any advice!

Jeshua Lacock
Telephone: (760) 935-4481

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