[GRASSLIST:1183] Re[3]: ps.map pixel size and line attributes

Roger S. Miller rgrmill at rt66.com
Sat Nov 25 20:35:07 EST 2000

On Sat, 25 Nov 2000, Markus Neteler wrote:
> maybe you take a look at v.alabel and v.llabel to  bulk label
> areas/lines in a vector map.

I used v.alabel to label the areas in the model grid.  It worked very
well.  My 5beta7 release came with the manual page for v.llabel, but I
can't find the program itself.

For what it's worth, the model grid was built from an ascii digitizer
file.  I wrote a little program that read the ascii digitizer file and
produced a list that matched Eric's description, with all of the attribute
values set to 1.  I patched that list into the original attributes file
(which originally contained entries only for the areas), then re-ran
v.support.  After that, the cwidth specification in ps.map.new gave me the
thin lines I needed.

Thank's for the help.

Roger Miller

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