converting polygons to raster

Stefan.Neumann at Stefan.Neumann at
Mon Oct 9 11:06:21 EDT 2000

Hi all,

is there a way to fill polygons with their corresponding attribute? I have a map with soil properties in E00-format, which I imported into grass. The map is displayed and d.what.vect correctly displays one attribute of the polygon.

Now I would like to create a rastermap containing datapoints with the attribute of the surrounding polygon, that is I want to fill each polygon with its attribute-value. I checked the grass-commands, but I could not find any command that does this. returns only the edges of the polygon with an empty interior. I cannot interpolate with* because the attribute-values are not related to each other like for example elevation-values. Instead i need the exact attribute-value.

Is there a way to do this? In principle it seems possible because d.what.vect also "knows" the correct value, no matter what point inside a polygon I click.

The second question concerns the ONE attribute displayed. The E00-file contains about 20 attributes for each polygon. Can I 
- view these values and can I 
- use them for filling polygons and creating a rastermap?

TIA, Stefan
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