Needing some help, not about Grass
B. Byars
Bruce_Byars at
Thu Oct 19 17:16:07 EDT 2000
We use SEISAN. It's freeware. Any search engine will give you the url
for it.
Let me know if you need anything else.
"Manuel J. Román-Alpiste" wrote:
> Dear All, I'm an Spanish Marine Geologist, I works in seismic data
> processing, I Know Grass and I use it, but now I have a very terrible
> problem. This year, we planned a new experiment using OBS (Ocean
> Bottom Seismometers) in Alboran Sea (West mediterranean basin). I have
> now the data, but I don't know any software to process this data. I'd
> tried to use the rayinvr software from Collin Zelt, but I never could
> install this software. Anyone knows another free, or integrated
> software to proccess this data???. Thanks a
> lot... Alpiste -------------------------------------------Manuel J.
> Roman-AlpisteInstituto Andaluz de Ciencias de la TierraCSIC -
> University of GranadaGranada
> (Spain)-------------------------------------------e-mail:
> mjroman at
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