[GRASSLIST:1067] 2 probs with lat long raster

David Finlayson david_finlayson at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 27 21:41:06 EDT 2000

I have a world-wide dataset of precipitation in a
location with geographic region equal to -179.5 to
179.5, -80 to 90.

The first thing I need to do is project this data into
a location with the Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area
projection.  I am interested in the whole of asia,
from about 30E to 160W, and from the equator to the
north pole (I want to completely cover the USGS
Hydro1k coverage of asia)

>From the lambert location, I run r.proj on the precip
data in the geographic location.  I get an error of
bad coordinates related to the pole at 90N.  I then
made a new dataset that goes only to 89:30N and this
appears to project, but when I view the projected
result, only the eastern side of the central meridian
(of the lambert projection) has been translated, the
western half is completely missing.  What went wrong?

The second error is in the geographic location:

When I issue the d.zoom command, I am given the choice
of rotating the view so that a new meridian becomes
the center of the view.  I run d.erase, and then
d.rast again and recieve an error.  It appears that
the western and eastern boundaries of the region are
not being properly set across the coordinates -179 to
179. I have tried to span these coordinates manually
with no luck.  How do you set the Western boundary to
an eastern coordinate and the Eastern boundary to a
western coordinate??

David Finlayson
david_finlayson at yahoo.com
University of Washington 
Box 351310 
Seattle, WA   98195 - 1310

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