r.in.gdal in GRASS5

Radim Blazek Radim.Blazek at dhv.cz
Wed Sep 27 04:09:37 EDT 2000

Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> Folks,
> I have mentioned this work before, but I am pleased to announce that
> r.in.gdal has been checked in the GRASS 5 CVS tree.  It is a generalized
> import program for ingesting any file formats supported by GDAL (the
> Geospatial Data Abstraction Library).
> A full list of file formats supported by GDAL are available at:
>   http://www.remotesensing.org/gdal/formats_list.html
> Of particular note to GRASS users, GDAL has good support for GeoTIFF.  It
> reads most configurations of TIFF file (stripped, tiled, 8bit, 16bit, floating
> point, RGB, YCbCr,...) and includes support for reading the GeoTIFF
> extents, and projection definition information.  The GeoTIFF projections
> support should also be amoung the most comprehensive available anywhere.
> It also includes Erdas Imagine (.img) format, somewhat generic CEOS support,
> ESRI labelled BIL, and Arc/Info binary grid.

Question/wish: Is it planed support for?:

INGR - Intergraph Raster File Format
         Type: Bitmap
    Extension: Many (not standardized)
      Version: 3
  Compression: RLE, CCITT Group 4, JPEG, quad tree, Uncompressed
  Color Depth:
   Maintainer: Intergraph Corporation <http://www.intergraph.com/>
Specification: ftp://ftp.intergraph.com/pub/bbs/scan/note/rffrgps.zip
Would it be problem?


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