[GRASSLIST:1763] Re: maps with polygons from sites files

Radim Blazek Radim.Blazek at dhv.cz
Wed Apr 25 02:19:36 EDT 2001

Andreas Lange wrote:
> Hi,
> i need thematic maps from sites files (pinpoint maps). But the maps with
> d.sites commands are not very fancy. So i had the idea that i could draw
> polygons with piping s.out.ascii to v.in.poly and display with d.area.
> This allows me to draw circles, triangles, quadrats and other regular
> shaped polygons with user selectable size and colors.
> But the problem with this is that for overlapping polygons the topology
> is not created correctly, so nothing is displayed or only some points
> are drawn in the display.
> Are there any workarounds for this? Can i use another command?
> Thanks in advance for help,
> Andreas

You can use ps.map where you can specify EPS file for sites.
More EPS files for sites in one sites file may be specified by category 
Icons may be rotated by constant and scaled by selected float attribute. It 
is described in man page.


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