[GRASSLIST:2729] Re: r.cost doesn't produce output?

Roger Miller rgrmill at rt66.com
Tue Dec 4 10:40:37 EST 2001

On Mon, 3 Dec 2001, cmbarton wrote:

> I am working my way through various GRASS modules as I have a bit of 
> time.
> This weekend, I tried several, including r.cost. My problem is that it 
> ran, but doesn't seem to produce output as far as I can see.

I ran the test case (detailed in another letter) through both of my linux
installations and they both worked.  One is beta 11 and the other was a
CVS download from a few months ago.  It appears to me that either this is
a newly introduced problem, or it's one unique to the MacOS X binaries.

Roger Miller
Lee Wilson and Associates

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