[GRASSLIST:2815] XYZ Ascii into Grass

Matthew Boulanger matthewboulanger at mac.com
Fri Dec 21 07:01:29 EST 2001

I'm the epitomy of a newbie to GRASS, I recently began using it once there
was a version available for the Mac.  I have been using Surfer to do most of
my work, and am looking at GRASS as a more suitable (and mac native)
replacement.  My problem is that I can't for the life of me figure out how
to import an ASCII text (either tab or comma delimited) file into GRASS and
have it read the file as X,Y, and Z coordinates.  The closest I can come is
to create a site file out of the X and Y points, and assign the Z to them.
This isn't particularly helpful for me, as I am looking to create a terrain
map with interpolated points between those I've plotted.  Any suggestions on
how I can do this?

Matthew Boulanger
Czech-American Archaeological Field School

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