[GRASSLIST:1456] RE: grass5.0beta11 source
Arne Pallentin
arne at waikato.ac.nz
Mon Feb 12 19:30:41 EST 2001
I had the same problem, but there is, at least at the oz mirror, a new
cvs snapshot which works fine (at least with the make install...) ;-)
On 13-Feb-01 Thotapalli, Hari Kishore - THOHK002 wrote:
> goodday every one,
> Just to let you know that "make install" does not copy all the fifos to the
> default gisbase ../dev directory (in my case it is /usr/local/grass5). I
> think
> I am doing some thing very silly. All the scripts and the binaries get copied
> to appropriate directories in /usr/local excepting the fifos under the
> .../dev
> directory. Because of this the monitor fails to open when using grass5 script
> from /usr/local/bin. However every thing works fine when the grass5 srcipt is
> called from the bin directory in the source tree. I tried editing the header
> under src/CMD/head and recompiling, its still no good.
> Also with grass4.3 the tcltkgrass& script fails to work. It complains about
> not
> finding wish8.0. I worked around this by giving the full path to wish8.3 in
> the
> tcltkgrass script in /usr/local/grass4.3/bin.
> In grass5.0beta11 the raster compress and uncompress module under tcltk fails
> and compalins about some improper command usage.
> Postgres module fails to compile. In suse 6.4 the additional rpms pg_data and
> pg_iface and Pg_if? solved the problem. Under suse 7 there appear to be no
> requirements of these modules. I know this is a linux problem and should not
> be
> posting this problem here. However, any help would be appreciated.
> Apart from these minor problems grass works fine and thanks to every one
> involved in the development. Eagerly looking forward to the inclusion of
> r.fuzzy in grass5.
> cheers
> Hari Kishore
> School of Planning Building and Geoinformatics
> University of South Australia
Arne Pallentin
Department of Earth Sciences
The University of Waikato
Private Bag 3105
Hamilton - New Zealand
Ph.: +64-7-838 4024 ext. 6229
Home: +64-7-856 7877
Fax. +64-7-856 0115
e-mail: arne at waikato.ac.nz
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