[GRASSLIST:1341] Re: Grass5.0beta10 start problem

Markus Neteler neteler at geog.uni-hannover.de
Fri Jan 5 07:59:47 EST 2001

On Thu, Jan 04, 2001 at 01:59:38PM -0500, sam at qur.nrl.navy.mil wrote:
> I have just installed the LINUX binaries for grass5.0beta10 in a shared
> team directory (/home/agss/GRASS5.0).  When I send the grass5 command the
> first screen comes up ok but when I hit RETURN to continue I get the
> following message:
> Starting GRASS ...
> /home/agss/GRASS5.0/etc/set_data: error in loading shared libraries:
> libncurses.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
This indicates that libncurses library is missing on your system.
You will have to install it (using your Linux CDROMs). Look for

"ncurses version 5" library, it will be there in a (RPM) package.
> I have been unable to track this file down nor do I have any idea where it
> should be.  Any help would be appreciated.

Hope this helps,

 Markus Neteler

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