[GRASSLIST:1396] What is the deal with i.points3?

Morten Sickel Morten.Sickel at nrpa.no
Wed Jan 24 05:52:22 EST 2001


I want to georectify some aerial photographs into a location with a DTM. I
can't use the i.orto.photo because my scanner is to narrow to get all the
edge markes, in addition, to have the entire image scanned with the desried
resolution, the image takes up approx 100MB, whereas the area of interest
takes up approx 15 MB, a bit easier to handle...

As far as I can see, I need to use i.points3 to be able to use the DTM
during the rectification, but when I tried to use it, everything seemed OK,
until I tried to actually register points and assign a transformation, which
just didn't work. A quick dive into the sourcecode, showed that a number of
important functions are commented out, it seems as if anybody is working on
it, but I couldn't find any entries on i.points3 in the ONGOING list. 

My questions are therefore:
1 - Is anything happening in i.points3? For my self, I can enough c to read
the source file, but doubtfully enough to finish any ongoing work on the
module, although I'll look through it.
2 - Are there any other possibilities to rectify an image using my DTM? I
have tried using i.points and i.rectify or i.rectify2, but as far as I
understand, that process does not use the DTM.



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