Robert Najlis rnajlis at indiana.edu
Thu Jul 5 01:27:45 EDT 2001

I am quite new to GRASS, but I do know that you can use it in conjunction
with mySql, PostgreSQL, and others.  I guess in theory code could be
written which would take your PHP code, update the database and interact
with GRASS as well.  Actually, i plan to do something like that myself as
part of a project just now getting under way.

Hope that helps.

Robert Najlis

On Thu, 5 Jul 2001, Richard Ford wrote:

> G'Day All,
> Our company has been hired to help some academics do some sophisticated web
> enabled GIS stuff.
> Now the academics are good at GIS and what not.  They are currently using
> ArcView.  I have dabbled in ArcIMS to make web viewable pages and did get it
> to work - but the program has to be the most inflexible and error prone to
> install problems ever.
> We are as a company committed to open source so we started trying GRASS.  I
> am 1.3 through two tutorials on it.
> My question before I get too far is...
> We want to be able to store the data in a more sophisticated manner - like a
> MySQL or Sybase database.  And be able to enter and manipulate that data
> from a web page with PHP.  The idea is to allow the stake holders in the
> area being studied a level of "What if" analysis.
> Plus the general benefit of storing data in a proper RDMS for other more
> general data mining tasks.
> Now how does or does GRASS support any form of serving live dynamic pages or
> content for a web site.  Or is ti just a stand alone GIS like ArcView.
> We are looking for the ArcIMS way of doing things - or presenting things
> once created in an ArcVIEW session.  Is GRASS more analogous to ArcView and
> not ArcIMS?  Or can it do both?
> What are the suggestions from the experts?  :)
> Cheers,
> Richard Ford.
> Cubok PTY LTD
> richard at cubok.com   www.cubok.com
> richard at millpost.com.au   www.millpost.com.au


===  Robert Najlis
 )~  rnajlis at indiana.edu
|\|  http://php.indiana.edu/~rnajlis


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