Ben-Nes Michael miki at canaan.co.il
Sun Jul 8 06:35:01 EDT 2001

heh, I just answered a guy for  a specific solution and mention that in my
opinion in the current solution GRASS in not needed.

Its obvious ( to me ) that ArcView is better then GRASS in designing while
Ill prefer GRASS as analyst tool.
And its especially true when I refer to ESRI SHAPE file.

When it comes to query maps who need the very heavily costly ArcGis
solutions when you can use the freely GRASS :)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Johnny Duke" <Johnny.Duke at ar.usda.gov>
To: "Ben-Nes Michael" <miki at canaan.co.il>
Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2001 5:50 PM
Subject: Re: [GRASSLIST:2069] Re: GRASS v ESRI

> This is not an Arc forum if you want to talk Arc stuff go get on their
> user group.  If Arc is so much better why are you looking at other
> packages.
> Johnny Duke
> Ben-Nes Michael wrote:
> >
> > I have a similar project upcoming, I need to build maps and show/query
> > on the Internet.
> > As im a newbie my self I divided the problem to two parts.
> > 1. Create the maps
> > 2. Show them on the internet.
> >
> > After long query with mailing lists, newsgroups, webs and even ESRI
> > :) I realized that mapserver is best to show of information on the
> >
> > 1. Its free tool ( not like IMS that cost 10000$)
> > 2. Its very simple tool after one understand the concept and what is a
> > file
> > 3. Its script is cross platform (perl/php)
> > 4. because you can use perl/php ( your choice. I like php) the amount of
> > flexibility is amazing. (We all know why :)
> >
> > I don't see how I can use Grass to create the maps, here are some
> > ( I wish I could use it :(
> >
> > 1. Grass can export SHAPE files but it don't work on them directly.
> > 2. Because GRASS don't interact with the .dbf file every time I import
> > export to SHAPE file I have the problem of restoring or rearranging the
> > file
> > 3. The new ArcView 8.x has much more reach edit tools then Grass which
> > maps looks much more better and it much more easy to update\create.
> >
> > One bad side is that ArcView cost 2500 $ :(
> > but still time cost much more money.
> >
> > list, If im wrong about what i understood about Grass please correct me.
> >
> > > Does everyone understand what I am on about?  :)
> > >
> > > The data has been put together and is working in ArcView(Info -
whatever I
> > > forget!) and is good.  We need to web enable that.  We have tried
ArcIMS -
> > I
> > > assume it can read ArcInfo shape files and projects with a small
> > > modification they mention in the docs.
> > >
> > > However we would want to do some custom stuff with PHP as well as not
> > > NT!
> > >
> > > So in light of all the suggestions does there seem to be a link
> > > With say starting in ArcInfo and then moving to --  ??
> > >
> > > Map server
> > >
> > > or
> > >
> > > CommonGIS
> > >
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Ben-Nes Michael - Manager
Tel: 972-4-6991122

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