Juan Carlos Gámez Granados jcgamezg at wanadoo.es
Sat Jul 28 08:03:50 EDT 2001


Firstly, excuse me by my English. I am Spanish.

I want to do any questions. I am new in Geographic Information Systems. I
have a net with 5 PC's, one of them in Linux (Debian) and the other ones in
Windows 98. I have installed GRASS in the PC with Linux and I want that the
others PC's can access to the PC with Linux to obtain the information and
cartography of the GIS (with a application developed by me with C++

The questions are:

- Is it possible?
- How can I do it?
- What I need to do it?

Moreover I want ask to you for documentation about GIS, mainly about
projects developed with GIS and how these projects have been developed.

Thank you very much,

Juanca :-)

Juan Carlos Gámez Granados

Ingeniero en Informática
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informatica (http://www-etsi2.ugr.es)
Universidad de Granada (http://www.ugr.es)
web: http://jcgamezg.eresmas.com ; http://perso.wanadoo.es/jcgamezg

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