[GRASSLIST:2221] Re: Projection questions

Stephan Eickschen eicksch at gfz-potsdam.de
Mon Jul 30 07:27:13 EDT 2001


> > The management of coordinate systems should've been reorganized when
> > the proj4 library was added.  Instead, we got this PROJECTION_OTHER
> > thing.  Anyway, all the infrastructure is present, it's just the
> > organization of it that needs help.
> Speaking of projections, can anyone suggest any online (or
> downloadable) tutorials on the subject? I've read the stuff in chapter
> 2 of the CAST GRASS tutorial, but I could do with something more
> substantial.
Do you know of the proj4 docs?
Otherwise - the "classical" (paper based):

   author    = {Bugayevskiy, Lev M. and Snyder, John P.},
   title     = {Map Projections -- A Reference Manual},
   year      = {1995},
   publisher = {Taylor \& Francis},
   address   = {London}

  author =       {Pearson, Frederick},
  title =        {Map Projections: Theory and Applications},
  publisher =    {CRC Press},
  year =         {1990},
  key =          {Kartographie, Projektion},
  address =      {Boca Raton (Florida)},

  author = 	 "Snyder, J.P.",
  title = 	 "Map projections used by the U.S. Geological Survey",
  publisher = 	 "United States Gov. Print. Off.",
  year = 	 "1982",
  OPTnumber = 	 "1532",
  OPTseries = 	 "U.S. Geological Survey bulletin",
  OPTaddress = 	 "Washington, DC",
  pages = "313"

  author = 	 "Snyder, J.P.",
  title = 	 "Map projections - a working manual",
  publisher = 	 "United States Gov. Print. Off.",
  year = 	 "1987",
  number = 	 "1395",
  series = 	 "U.S. Geological Survey professional paper",
  address = 	 "Washington, DC",
  pages = "383"

hope this helps,


Stephan Eickschen                      Tel. :      +49 (0)8153 28-1351
GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam (GFZ)     Fax. :      +49 (0)8153 28-1207
Division 1, Section 1.2
c/o                                    email:   eicksch at gfz-potsdam.de
DLR Oberpfaffenhofen                   www  : http://op.gfz-potsdam.de
Box 1116
82234 Wessling

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