[GRASSLIST:1942] m.proj

Morten Sickel Morten.Sickel at newmedia.no
Mon Jun 11 13:52:36 EDT 2001


I have been using m.proj for a while to project GPS data from lat/lon to a 
local coordinate system. As far as I can see, the calculations are working, 
but the user interface is not the best one. I have been thinking about making 
a better UI for that module, that is:
- Reading input and output files from the command line
- Making a --help text
- Reading projection information from the command line, maybe using a file
   similiar to arc/info projection files (The default ouput projection should
   be the location's projection)
In addition, it should interface better to other grass modules. i.e the 
(default) output file should be directly readable by s.in.ascii.

Before I start doing any serius work on this, I would like to know, Does 
anybody else do anyting similiar? (not as far as I can see in ONGOING) Or is 
anything coming that will replace m.proj? 

(Yes I know that I could make a lat/lon location and then use s.proj to pull 
the points over, but even with the current limitations on m.proj, I find this 

Morten Sickel
GIS consultant
Drøbak, Norway

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