[GRASSLIST:1989] Aspect and Shaded relief

Karin(e) ZUERCHER Karine.Zuercher at terre.unige.ch
Wed Jun 20 07:28:09 EDT 2001

Hello everybody!

With Arcview and some others, it is possible to make a nice picture of the
relief called 'sheade relief' or something, where you can choose the
orientation and hight of the light source (sun). There is also something
called aspect map, but it only gives a result of slope orientation without
accounting for inclination (thus you get a look of V shaped valleys instaed
of U shaped, fo rinstance).

I know about and until now used grass ASPECT map to get more or less a
shaded relief.  I didn't find any module that seams to allow making shaded
reliefs like in arcview or so.

I am wondering, did I miss something or deos it not exist in grass yet?
I that's the case, I guess it should be possible to compute something with
slope and aspect map, and wonder if someone has an idea how that is done
(what algorithms or whatever needed)?

Thanx in advance for your help
In Kindness

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