[GRASSLIST:1601] Problem reprojecting...

mberglund mberglund at rcinfo.net
Mon Mar 12 14:03:59 EST 2001


With some RTFMing and a bunch of help from Bruce at Baylor, I have managed
to import my DOQQ's into grass using r.in.gdal. I can't figure out how to
use the native colormap of the tiff yet, but that is a small issue.

r.in.tiff still does not handle these images well (bringing my load
average to over 1 for eternity, and never completing the import.)
This is from a cvs checkout done on friday, March 9th.

I now have two locations, one in SPCS and one in UTM.

I need to reproject one mapset in the UTM location to the SPCS location.

If someone has some time and could help me through this, I would
appreciate it.

r.proj keeps telling me that the projection areas don't overlap, which I 
believe is not correct.

Matt Berglund

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