[GRASSLIST:1603] Re: Problem reprojecting...

Eric G. Miller egm2 at jps.net
Mon Mar 12 21:03:25 EST 2001

On Mon, Mar 12, 2001 at 02:03:59PM -0500, mberglund wrote:
> Hi,
> With some RTFMing and a bunch of help from Bruce at Baylor, I have managed
> to import my DOQQ's into grass using r.in.gdal. I can't figure out how to
> use the native colormap of the tiff yet, but that is a small issue.

?? Is this a color DOQQ?  Was it palette based or 24bit?  I would've
thunk that r.in.gdal would handle the colormap (if there was one).  If
it's multi-band (rgb), set each band to 0 = black, 255 = white. Then,
d.rgb or i.composite...  Where'd you get these DOQQ's from?  They
weren't by chance exported from Arc/Info grid without the use of a
colormap?  I've done that, and you get 16-bit TIFF's that are useless.

> r.in.tiff still does not handle these images well (bringing my load
> average to over 1 for eternity, and never completing the import.)
> This is from a cvs checkout done on friday, March 9th.

Other than the addition of TILE support, no significant work has been
done on how r.in.tiff works for a long time.  

> I now have two locations, one in SPCS and one in UTM.
> I need to reproject one mapset in the UTM location to the SPCS location.
> If someone has some time and could help me through this, I would
> appreciate it.
> r.proj keeps telling me that the projection areas don't overlap, which I 
> believe is not correct.

Be careful of r.proj!  I've filed a bug against it for reading the
entire raster into memory before projecting it.  It can cream your
system.  i.rectify is an alternative (and smarter about the memory),
though you need tie points.

Eric G. Miller <egm2 at jps.net>

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