Eric G. Miller egm2 at jps.net
Fri Mar 16 21:13:41 EST 2001

On Fri, Mar 16, 2001 at 05:49:46PM -0700, Gerald Buckmaster wrote:
> Friends,
> I would like to import L7 imagery into GRASS.  I am most interested in a
> command or script of commands that interrogates the header files and i
> mports the bands noted.

Are these BIL or BIP with a .hdr header?  I thought r.in.gdal was able
to parse those header files...

> I use r.in.gdal to import L5 imagery, works pretty well.  I notice it does not
> attempt to utilize the georeferencing information included in the header.
> Does anyone have a scripting solution?  I assume I should be able to create
> transformation matrix using i.points with that metadata.

Should be sufficient just to change the cell_head information
(resolutions, extents, etc...).  I'm guessing you're getting imagery
that is already georeferenced to UTM?  I don't think something as
drastic as i.points/i.rectify should be necessary unless there's some
rotation/scaling that has to be done.  Otherwise you'd probably
introduce some error...

> Specifically, I am interested in developing a means to automate the extraction
> of AOI's to individual rasterfiles based on polygon masks, similiar to what
> has been recently discussed on the ERDAS list.

Might have to convert your polygons to raster masks, but then it should work.

> I am a re-born GRASS analyst, since I re-installed Linux on my PC.  The last
> time I worked with GRASS was 3-4 years ago.  Loved the power...hated having
> multiple operating systems on one machine.  I'm back, and re-learning.

Eric G. Miller <egm2 at jps.net>

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