[GRASSLIST:2649] Some export questions

Soil & Water Lab. swlab at cornell.edu
Tue Nov 13 10:54:17 EST 2001

Hello GRASS users,

I have some questions concerning output in different format :I have a raster 
DEM I would like to insert in a LaTeX document (so, I'd need either a PNG or 
a .ps)

* Is there any way to bypass the 8bit color limitation with the PNG or CELL 
drivers ? Noting that a command like
"r.out.ppm input=MyMap output=- | pnmtopng > MyMap.png"
does not present any color limitation, but does not allow to export overlying 

* When using CELL or PNG, a bar scale created by "d.barscale" seems deformed 
(the dashes seem shifted). Is this a pb of my configuration, or a bug ?

* How can I export a legend created with "d.leg.thin -s" to a PNG file 
without losing colors (that is, without using a CELL or PNG, still because of 
the 8bit limitation) ?

* How can I create a gradient legend in postscript ? It seems that ps.map 
allows only the creation of a colortable, which is quite overwhelming with 
maps having a lot of categories (a DEM for example).

* How can I create a bar scale (or any other scale) in postscript ?

Soil and Water Laboratory
Biological and Environmental Engineering Department
Cornell University
Riley-Robb Hall
ITHACA, NY 14853 - USA

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