[GRASSLIST:2617] grid 3d question

Ted Lewis lewist at geo.umass.edu
Wed Oct 31 11:27:31 EST 2001

Hello.  Last week I downloaded GRASS5.0.0pre1, and installed it on a
Mandrake 8.1 PC.  I'm very new to GRASS & GIS, but have been running through
several tutorials & have been really impressed.  Thanks very much!

I've got a VERY basic question regarding grid3d: I can't seem to enter the
program!  I downloaded and uncompressed the "3d Weather Situation" data set.
However, the command g3.list yields a command not found error.
I've also tried most of the modules listed on the GRASS Grid 3d modules
manual page (ex. r3.mkdspf, r3.in.ascii, r3.region etc.), and get the same

Do I need to uncompress / compile grid3d?
Is grid3d included with the pre1 release?
Do I need Mesa or OpenGL to enter the program?

I would ultimately like to interpolate in 3d a 4 x 4 grid of water column
physical properties.  The data are binned on water depth.  At this point,
just doing the interpolation would be great, I can deal with the
visualization later.

Thanks very much,
Ted Lewis

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