[GRASSLIST:2501] v.in.dxf

Kevin Slover kjslover at nhc.noaa.gov
Thu Sep 27 08:32:42 EDT 2001

having a little problem with v.in.dxf...I am trying to import a dxf file
from AutoCAD V12...it can be read by AC14.  When I bring it over to
GRASS, I get two different problems...
1.  On one file, it only brought in part of the file, and not the rest.
 I checked to make sure the whole file was there via AC, and it all
looked good.  Any possible reason for this??  Thinking it was related to
my region, I changed the region to cover the entire file, still no
2.  On a different file, it would "convert", but could not find any
files in my dig directory, nor any directories...and this one??

        LTJG Kevin Slover,NOAA   GIS Specialist/Meteorologist/Oceanographer
              Tropical Prediction Center/National Hurricane Center
                    11691 SW 17th Street Miami FL 33165
                 Work: (305) 229-4456 Fax : (305) 553-1264

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