[GRASSLIST:3441] Re: Moving mapsets

Glynn Clements glynn.clements at virgin.net
Thu Apr 4 11:17:41 EST 2002

Gordon Keith wrote:

> Now I've become a bit more familiar with GRASS I've found I haven't set 
> up my locations and mapsets in an optimal manner.
> What I'd like to do is move my various mapsets to all under the one 
> location. 
> Can I just move the directories using the unix mv command, or is there 
> more to it than that?
> All mapsets are in the same projection (lat lon), but cover different 
> regions. ie the PERMANENT/PROJ_INFO and PERMANENT/PROJ_UNITS are the 
> same but PERMANENT/WIND isn't. As each mapset has its own WIND my guess 
> is it's OK.
> On a related topic can I just rename the location and mapset 
> directories to achieve a rename, or is that information hidden 
> somewhere internally?

I don't know of any cases where the location name is stored in files. 
However, there are a few cases where mapset names are stored:

1. The cellhd file of a reclass map stores the name and mapset of the
base map.

2. Setting the colour table of a raster map in a different mapset
stores the new colour table in
<current mapset>/colr2/<raster mapset>/<raster name>

There may be other cases. Try searching for mapset names in the files
(with find/grep).

Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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