[GRASSLIST:3488] Re: NMEA log to GRASS vector?

James Cameron quozl at us.netrek.org
Wed Apr 10 23:14:39 EDT 2002

G'day Alejandro,

m.datum.shift certainly suggests datum shift or transformation is
possible.  I couldn't find much in that program, so I presume it is
a feature of the underlying Grass libraries.

While the GPS can indeed be set to different ellipsoid and datum, the
NMEA output remains in lat/long WGS 84.  I've already captured the NMEA
output, so I can't go back and re-do it using the GPS's track log, and
besides it lacks altitude.  The NMEA stream includes altitude.

James Cameron    mailto:quozl at us.netrek.org     http://quozl.netrek.org/

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