[GRASSLIST:3569] Re: References to GRASS

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at intevation.de
Tue Apr 23 05:31:35 EDT 2002

On Mon, Apr 22, 2002 at 08:34:32PM +0200, Morten Sickel wrote:
> I am now in the process of finalizing an article in which substantial data 
> analysis has been done in grass. I was just wondering if anybody has any 
> proposals of how to make a reference to grass. I don't feel too happy about a 
> ref to a web site (I had a ref to the uni Hannover site in an early draft...) 
> So, are there any books I should refer to, (Markus' old book? I don't 
> remember the name right now, but I can dig it out of the shelves somewhere) 
> or do you think I just should make a ref to the web site?

I think you should in any case also reference the website,
which is 	grass.itc.it/index2.html

IMO it is legitimate to cite online resources.
You might want to have a reference to a more spread paper work, 
in addition.

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