[GRASSLIST:4333] gislock problem - revisited

Jack Varga jvarga at boulder.net
Tue Aug 20 01:00:18 EDT 2002

I too am having this problem with pre5, and followed Markus'
suggestion but to no avail.  Any help appreciated.

`gmake5 -i src/general/init/` produces the following output...

$ gmake5 -i src/general/init/
  SRC     = /home/jvarga/tmp/grass5.0.0pre5/src
  CMD     = /home/jvarga/tmp/grass5.0.0pre5/src/CMD
  UNUSED  = /home/jvarga/tmp/grass5.0.0pre5/unused
  HEADER  = head.i686-pc-linux-gnu
  ARCH    = i686-pc-linux-gnu
  GISBASE = /home/jvarga/tmp/grass5.0.0pre5/dist.i686-pc-linux-gnu
  VERSION = 5.0.0pre5 June 2002
  make -f OBJ.i686-pc-linux-gnu/make.rules

rm -f /home/jvarga/tmp/grass5.0.0pre5/bin.i686-pc-linux-gnu/grass`cat 
ga/tmp/grass5.0.0pre5/src/CMD/VERSION | head -1 | sed 's/\..*//'` ; true
/bin/sh -c "sed -e 
c-linux-gnu#\" -e \"s#PERL_COMMAND#/usr/bin/perl#\" grass.src > 
src/CMD/VERSION | head -1 | sed 's/\..*//'` 2>/dev/null ; true"
chmod a+x 
/home/jvarga/tmp/grass5.0.0pre5/bin.i686-pc-linux-gnu/grass`cat /home/
jvarga/tmp/grass5.0.0pre5/src/CMD/VERSION | head -1 | sed 's/\..*//'`
make: *** No rule to make target 
i686-pc-linux-gnu/libedit.a', needed by 
86-pc-linux-gnu/etc/set_data'.  Stop.

 From grasslist archive...

On Jun 05, 2002, Markus Neteler wrote:

>it seems that the program
>is missing.
>Try to recompile
>gmake5 -i src/general/init/
>and check if 'lock' is compiled.
>Good luck,
> Markus
>>Can't properly access /home/wouter/.gislock5
>>please notify system personel
>>However as root (su) I can start up grass
>>Changing back to normal user (su wouter) also works
>>Someaone who nows how to solve?

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