[GRASSLIST:5137] Re: Significance of the "WIND" file in a location

Markus Neteler neteler at itc.it
Tue Dec 3 04:04:22 EST 2002

On Mon, Dec 02, 2002 at 03:08:49PM +0000, Glynn Clements wrote:
> John Dougherty wrote:
> > Can someone explain the "WIND" file or point me to some documentation that 
> > explains it's function in GRASS?  It seems to have an important role in 
> > whether a map layer projects appropriately or not.  I looked in Neteler and 
> > Mitasova, but have not found mention and I have not located it in the Grass5 
> > documentation, so far, either.
> The "WIND" file holds the current region. Hopefully the documentation
> will describe the concept, as it is central to many operations.

The GRASS Programmer's manual (chapter 4) describes it.

> It may
> not mention the WIND file directly as that is part of GRASS'
> internals, and shouldn't be relevant to the user.

That's why it is not mentioned in "Neteler and Mitasova".

Best regards

Markus Neteler

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