[GRASSLIST:5192] importing AutoCad .dxf files to GRASS 4.2

Dr Rob Hosfield R.T.Hosfield at soton.ac.uk
Mon Dec 9 05:04:25 EST 2002



I've been having problems importing 3 .dxf files (created in AutoCad Map
(R) Release 2.0 as AutoCad R12/LT2 DXF files) into GRASS 4.2, using the
v.in.dxf command. I am getting either a:


*       bus error




*       segmentation fault


error message. This results in only very small fragments of .dxf file
contents being imported, without details of the files 'drawing space'
(i.e. after running v.support, the opening screen in v.digit shows no
values for the west/south/east/north edges of the map area). The file
sizes of the .dxf files ranges from 1.2mb to 6.7mb. this problem
persists no matter whether the .dxf files are AutoCad R12, R13 or R14.
the .dxf files contain polyline entities. Initially I tried to export
the cad file as a single .dxf, creating a series of vector files in
GRASS based on the drawing layers. After the initial problems I broke
the drawing up into a series of sub-drawings based on the individual
layers. the oddity is that two of these new .dxf files have imported
quite happily while the other 3 are causing the problems outlined above.


if anyone has any suggestions, has encountered these error messages
before etc - I'd be very grateful to hear from you. Thanks,






Dr Robert Hosfield

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Department of Archaeology

University of Southampton

Avenue Campus



SO17 1BJ

Telephone: +44 (0)23 8059 6864

Fax: +44 (0)23 8059 3032

E-mail: rth1 at soton.ac.uk

Webpage: http://www.soton.ac.uk/~rth1/index.html


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