[GRASSLIST:5206] g.region help

Kevin Slover Kevin.Slover at noaa.gov
Tue Dec 10 13:07:57 EST 2002

I am having a bit of a dilemma, and I am sure there is any easy way to
resolve it...I hope...

I am currently importing what will soon be 4000+ arcview grid files
using the r.in.arc command.  However, the raster produced encompases the
entire pre-set region.  Is it possible to set the region via the input
file?  I know there is a g.region rast=<filename>, but the raster must
already be present...Any ideas?
LTJG Kevin Slover, NOAA
GIS Specialist/Oceanographer
NOAA/TPC/TSB/Storm Surge Unit
11691 SW 17th Street 
Miami FL  33165

W (305) 229-4456

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