[GRASSLIST:3065] Re: Merging 4 rasters 1 bit tiffs.

bouffy bouffy at free.fr
Fri Feb 1 14:06:02 EST 2002

> Hi.
> I have a region that is made up by 4 diffrent raster files. I imported them in with r.in.tiff as they were originaly tiff file (1 bit per cell, I mean only 2 categories on the file 0 or 1)
> The tiff files are maps that have contour lines of the region (scale 1:5000).
> THe problem is that I can only manage to view one file per time. I would like to merge them but don't know where to start.
> Would be glad to recieve suggestions.
Hi Antonio,

To merge two raster files, you can use r.patch :

r.patch input=file1,file2 output=file12

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