[GRASSLIST:3079] Re: input images

felipem felipem at linuxfreemail.com
Sun Feb 3 17:37:16 EST 2002

Hi Markus

I made this:

 In imagery LOCATION ran:

   - i.group --> with spot.ms.1 spot.ms.2 spot.ms.3
   - i.target --> for spearfish LOCATION and PERMANENT MAPSET
   - i.points --> with 10 points and overall rms error equal to 6.86
   - i.rectify --> ok
And now I know how geocoding spot imagery!

But if the imagery don't belong to a GRASS location or are not in a tape (for 
to use the i.tape commands), for example in another hard disk or CDROM.

-->What is the correct method to enter this imagery to GRASS?

To test I made this:

1. To create "spot2" LOCATION with image information from the header, N-S and 
E-W limits, x,y system and resolution
2. To create cell and cellhd directories on spot2/PERMANENT
3. To copy images files and header files spot2/PERMANENT/cell and 
spot/PERMANENT/cellhd respectively
4. To run r.support for creating other support files.

Thank you,

UN Colombia

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