[GRASSLIST:3124] Re: Problem using Monitors from a fully scripted GRASS session

Karine ZUERCHER kzuerch at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 12 08:05:38 EST 2002

Glynn, this was great!

I added:
to my script, and now all monitors work perfectly (without any need for:
sleep 3

Thanks a lot Glynn !

In Kindness

On Monday 11 February 2002 22:30, Glynn Clements wrote:
> Karine ZUERCHER wrote:
> > Until grass5pre1, I used HTMLMAP monitor driver from a script (adapted
> > from grasslinks) opening and closing a grass session. But as I now
> > updated to grass5pre3 (self-compiled version on a RH7.2), I get the
> > following error message:
> > ---------------------------------
> > You must start this driver from within GRASS
> This indicates that LOCATION isn't set.
> As none of the drivers actually use the value of this variable, I've
> removed the check.
> Note: $GISBASE/etc/Init.sh sets LOCATION to:
> It shouldn't matter whether LOCATION is set, as programs should use
> the individual components.


kzuerch at yahoo.com

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