[GRASSLIST:3127] Re: New grass user. Please help free me from Caris!

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at intevation.de
Tue Feb 12 17:31:12 EST 2002

On Tue, Feb 12, 2002 at 11:01:41AM -0800, josh wrote:
> Hello all. I am working on a project to digitize nautical charts for use
> in navigation software. We are currently using CarisGIS on Windows. It
> has been a major headache. The most important function that I need grass
> to accomplish would be line-following. Sort of like vtrace in Arc. This
> is the part that Caris does well (except in the new version, which we
> just upgraded to and makes our systems crash). Caris's line following
> allows you to simply point to the line on the image and *bam*, it is
> done (well as far as it can before it finds an intersection or
> something.).
> 	Another approach that I'd like to be able to do is similar to arc
> functions where I take a tiff image, turn it into a grid and run an aml
> that automatically digitizes every line on the map, meaning all I have
> to do is clean up some of the messy stuff and code the lines. 
> 	Does anyone know how I can do this stuff in Grass, or am I looking in
> the wrong place?

GRASS can do many things.  As Free Software (like in freedom)
it makes use of many other Free Software components as part of
a toolchain to solve problems. I haven't heard about a ready to go
Free Software toolchain which solves your problem, but this does 
necessariliy means that you cannot build one yourself.

You should check freegis.org to see if other Free Software
components might help you.

Autotrace certainly is Free Software project which seems to in the
problem field: http://autotrace.sourceforge.net/
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