[GRASSLIST:3203] Re: pre3 configure problem

Glynn Clements glynn.clements at virgin.net
Mon Feb 25 00:33:22 EST 2002

John Dougherty wrote:

> I decided to torture myself again and downloaded the pre3 source.  Since 
> compiling grass never seems to be quite as straight forward as it ought to be 
> (I have my fingers crossed the LSB will take care of this), it was no a real 
> surprise that during configuration for compiling grass5.0.0pre3 I  
> encountered an error: 
> configure: error: *** Unable to locate DBM includes.
> There are several gdbm librabries on my linux system (Mandrake 8.1 right 
> now).  I need to know what to point configure at to get past that error.  Ca 
> someone give me a clue please?

The most likely candidate is:


Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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