[GRASSLIST:2931] Re: Problems with Grass on XFree/Cygwin und WindowsXP

Glynn Clements glynn.clements at virgin.net
Fri Jan 18 03:51:08 EST 2002

Henning Lorenz wrote:

> I installed Grass for the first time on a computer running under 
> Windows. There are some problems I never encountered on Linux and 
> MacOSX.
> Grass without XFree is fine.
> On XFree it starts the first welcome screen. After pressing enter it 
> terminates with an "cannot open xterm" error (grass shouldn't open a 
> window before having specified the region?!) There was a similar 
> thread with another Xserver in August 2001, but that solution doesn't 
> work for me.

Is "/usr/X11R6/bin" in your PATH? It isn't there by default, and it
needs to be added manually.

> There are two other problems when starting up XFree. Xauthority is 
> missing (the main problem?). How can I create a  Xauthority file 
> working with Grass?

This message shouldn't prevent you from using X. I had warnings about
the .Xauthority file, but X still worked.

> And some files should be set to root as owner. 
> How can I activate root in cygwin? It's not in the documentation.

I experienced this problem when trying to run "xdm". I didn't find a
solution, but then I didn't look very hard. It *might* work if you log
into windows as "root". AFAICT, Cygwin uses your Windows username.

In any case, I have managed to get GRASS working with Cygwin and
XFree86 on Win98. However, I've only done the most minimal testing (I
use Linux almost exclusively; the Windows partition exists for games
and, occasionally, testing GRASS on Cygwin).

Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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