[GRASSLIST:4142] Re: raster import help

Eric G. Miller egm2 at jps.net
Tue Jul 23 21:32:50 EDT 2002

On Tue, Jul 23, 2002 at 11:32:05AM -0400, Kevin Slover wrote:
> I am working with data that uses the WGS84 geoid.  I am needed to
> convert this to MSL using, from what I have read, the EGM96 grid.  I
> have downloaded the grid from NIMA, and am trying to figure out how to
> import this into GRASS.
> The grid is set up with 1st line being the header file, specifying N/S
> E/W and spacing.  Then the data.  Any thoughts, ideas on how to get this
> in.  I tried r.in.gdal, but it says that the format cannot be
> recognized.
> Also, just to be safe, am I going about this the right way??  I am
> thinking about creating the grid, then using r.mapcalc to compute MSL.
> Any thoughts on this??

Sounds like it's a text file of sorts.  You might be able to run it
through NIMA'S Geotrans, which will do the EGM96 to mean sea level.

Converting the EGM96 data to a raster should work as well, but you'll
have to figure out the particulars...

Eric G. Miller <egm2 at jps.net>

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