[GRASSLIST:3907] BUG in r.in.arc in 5.0.0pre3??

Ulrich Leopold uleopold at science.uva.nl
Tue Jun 18 14:50:14 EDT 2002

Dear list,

does anybody know or experienced a bug in r.in.arc?

I imported an Arc/Info ascii grid. To be sure if the import was correct 
I imported the same grid as an column file with s.in.ascii and converted 
it later to a raster map with s.to.rast.

The two resulting maps differ slightly. So I was thinking that r.in.arc 
might have a bug? There are misssing values in the grid (-9999).

Regards, Ulrich

Ulrich Leopold MSc.

Department of Physical Geography
Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics
Faculty of Science
University of Amsterdam
Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
NL-1018WV Amsterdam

Phone: +31-(0)20-525-7456 (7451 Secretary)
Fax:   +31-(0)20-525-7431
Email: uleopold at science.uva.nl

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