[GRASSLIST:3913] TIGER/Line 2000 feature names?

Sean Billig sooperman at mac.com
Wed Jun 19 21:13:25 EDT 2002

I'm using TIGER/Line 2000 data with grass5 on Mac OSX Darwin.  My ultimate
goal is to make several separate county maps, complete with all roads,
rivers, lakes, and feature names.  So far I have imported the TIGER type 1
and 2 files using:

v.in.tig.basic t1=TGR26041.RT1 t2=TGR26041.RT2 out=delta_vector

g.region vect=carroll

then v.support and d.vect

this displays a small county map that looks to be a little distorted, is
there a way to correct the natural distortion for a flat map within GRASS?

When I query a line on the vector map, (d.what.vect) I get an output that

87:03W(E) 45:52:24N(N)
neighbor_roads in PERMANENT  Line - Category 181946201 <not labeled>

All of the lines return an output like this.  When I export the vector map
to a .dxf file and read it in AutoCAD, each line is labeled with the object
number (181946201, etc.).  How do I go about applying the feature names
(road names, river names) to the lines in GRASS?  I would also like to
arrange the names to be parallel to the line they are describing.

Any and all help is greatly appreciated.  I've read the tutorial "Importing
TIGER/Line Maps and STF1 Census Data to GRASS," but I haven't found anything
about labeling the lines.  If anyone can point me toward any good documents
regarding TIGER data in GRASS, that would be wonderful as well.

Thanks in advance for the help,

Sean Billig

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