[GRASSLIST:3274] Re: .bil import with r.in.gdal

Eric G. Miller egm2 at jps.net
Fri Mar 1 21:10:02 EST 2002

On Fri, Mar 01, 2002 at 11:01:35AM -0800, Daniel Victoria wrote:
> I imported some .bil images successufully using
> r.in.gdal because when I tried to use r.in.bin it gave
> some errors. The problem is:
> Does r.in.gdal applies a hystogram streach in the
> images or changes the pixel values? When I import in
> grass the images values goes from -32768 to 32513 and
> when I import using ArcGisthe value ranges from 0 to
> 65535.

That would be a 16-bit integer, in the first interpreted as
signed, and in the second interpreted as unsigned.  What
does the header say about the image type?

> Also, when trying to use r.in.bin I gave just the row
> and collum numbers (803x800) and it reported an error
> saying that there could be no north value of 800....

It's probably telling you the numbers don't add up.  That
is, the number of rows in the image is smaller than you
think.  These calculations depend on giving r.in.bin the
correct bytes/cell, etc...

Eric G. Miller <egm2 at jps.net>

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