[GRASSLIST:3277] Re: pre3 and r.in.gdal

Glynn Clements glynn.clements at virgin.net
Sun Mar 3 10:21:35 EST 2002

John Dougherty wrote:

> I have run into a problematic circumstance with pre3 and r.in.gdal.
> I compiled pre3 from source without errors.  Pre2 ran fine, and did not give 
> trouble with r.in.gal, that I noticed any way.  I did have to get advise 
> (thanks to you did) to add a couple of pointers for directories during the 
> configure step for pre3, but otherwise had no problems.  Upon running 
> r.in.gdal however, I get the following error:
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH = /usr/local/grass5/lib
> ERROR: Unable to initialize GDAL bridge (check libgdal
>        installation/LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable).
> The pre3 configure.in file checks for gdal availability and does not seem to 
> notice its absence, but r.in.gdal looks for shared libraries that it is not 
> finding.

The configure script doesn't check for either the GDAL library or its
headers unless you specify --with-gdal. The default is to build a
version of r.in.gdal which loads libgdal dynamically via dlopen().

The above error message indicates that you are using a version of
r.in.gdal which uses dlopen() rather than having been linked against
libgdal. The binary will look for libgdal in the directories
$GISBASE/lib and $GDAL_HOME, then using the loader's default search

For each location, it will try each of the filenames:


Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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