[GRASSLIST:3276] pre3 and r.in.gdal

John Dougherty jwd at softcom.net
Sun Mar 3 04:03:55 EST 2002

I have run into a problematic circumstance with pre3 and r.in.gdal.

I compiled pre3 from source without errors.  Pre2 ran fine, and did not give 
trouble with r.in.gal, that I noticed any way.  I did have to get advise 
(thanks to you did) to add a couple of pointers for directories during the 
configure step for pre3, but otherwise had no problems.  Upon running 
r.in.gdal however, I get the following error:

LD_LIBRARY_PATH = /usr/local/grass5/lib
ERROR: Unable to initialize GDAL bridge (check libgdal
       installation/LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable).

The pre3 configure.in file checks for gdal availability and does not seem to 
notice its absence, but r.in.gdal looks for shared libraries that it is not 

Is there any other way to bring stdts dem data, for grass, that I can use 
while unraveling why gdal won't compile properly for this system, this time?


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