[GRASSLIST:3342] r.le.pixel

David Nogues dnogues at ipe.csic.es
Mon Mar 18 06:56:34 EST 2002

Hello all,

When Im working with r.le.pixel module in moving window mode, the result
image (example: a shannonn index with a 3x3 window) shows null value in
the pixels located in the first and last column and row. If the window
is 10x10, eastern, souhthern, northern and western four columns appears
with null value.

I've tried a lot of differents ways (mask, no mask, changing region,
etc..) and i can't get the correct result image. Anything can help me?

David Nogués Bravo
Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
Campus de Aula Dei
Av. Montañana, 1005
Apartado 202
Tlfno: 976716034

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