[GRASSLIST:3392] Running Grass on a Mosix cluster?

Antonio nightnavigator at libero.it
Tue Mar 26 14:12:52 EST 2002


Today I came to read an article on openMosix, the gpl'ed versione of
Mosix. (www.openmosix.org)
What I seem to understand is that apps running on such a cluster don't
have to be written for the cluster, well they don't need specific
codeing for threading. Does anyone know something about this?
I think that a resource intensive app (apps) like grass need some sort
of multiprocessing and obiously not everyone can afford a 4x
multiprocessor server ;-)
If someone has any info on this topic (and if what I seem to understand about mosix is true)
it would be nice to start trying ..

                 Antonio Gennarini
                Crecchio, CH - ITALY
Earth Science student at University "G. D'Annunzio".
     Join th GNU generation, start from LINUX.

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