[GRASSLIST:3393] Re: Running Grass on a Mosix cluster?

Glynn Clements glynn.clements at virgin.net
Tue Mar 26 16:05:47 EST 2002

Antonio wrote:

> Today I came to read an article on openMosix, the gpl'ed versione of
> Mosix. (www.openmosix.org)
> What I seem to understand is that apps running on such a cluster don't
> have to be written for the cluster, well they don't need specific
> codeing for threading. Does anyone know something about this?

Mosix uses multiple computers to emulate a single multi-processor

However, neither a real multi-processor system nor Mosix will make any
of the individual GRASS programs run any faster. The only way in which
you could obtain any performance improvement would be to run several
commands concurrently.

Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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